Selling the following items : Freezing Axe Of Triumpht, 40% Stormskinner, 70 Idols, Ancient Broad Axe, Blue Stag, Lesser 2 Def. Formation, Lesser Skewer, Invocation of Morrigon, Litany of Morrigon, POST OFFERS BELOW!
Im Lvl 92 and i had a hard time choosing skills to put points in. currently i have Energy Shield, Firestorm, Fire Bolt, Cloak of Fire, Energy Boost, Bandage Wounds at 16/25. i have 50 Energy Regens and 35 Health Regens in Lux. What four skills should i max?? i mostly solo lvl in ow eyes or group wit...
Selling 3 Health Lix 1k each, Spirit Flute, Greater Explosive Arrows Ring 3k, Skewer Manual, Full Red Lanrik Fashion, Hunter Fashion( Red and Orange), 100 Idols, 40 Restores, Ancient Broad Axe, Ancient Falchion,