Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Search found 6 matches


Why can't we be friends.. Why can't we be friend..
We are family.. Even though your bigger than me..
Brother.. Again.. Greedy people.. Ill believe it when it happens! But I'm willing to come together.. As a family..

Re: Don't Trust

Clarissa.. I went throught this.. I had an alt and someone made on similar to the name.. They went around flaming to be me and was scamming people.. Funny thing is I was gone that whole week! Gotta love CH.. I quit acouple weeks after for acouple months.. Everyone forget except one person.. 'Hey.. A...


Brother.. I love you and all.. But OTM will not shut down Celtic Heroes.. How else are they supposed to get money.. Greedy in my opinion.. They don't care for us.. If they did.. They would listen to us.. But no.. They blow us off like a spec of dust in the wind.. To stop scamming.. We need to quit l...

Re: Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

In all honesty.. I guess it really does depend on what you like.. I switched to ice mage and I love it.. I leveled with an ice mage when I was fire.. We pulled whole rooms and it was kinda fast.. But when I went full ice we were in and out in 10 seconds (on a good run.. If they didnt evade).. So I l...

Re: Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

I used to be ice.. Couldn't support energy tho so I switched to fire.. I'm soon to have 115+ energy regen so I'm thinking about switching.. But not quite sure.. I mean.. Fire is dps so iceshards might hit 1200 damage.. But fire bolt could hit 2 800's and equal 1600 damage before ice hits again.. So ...

Fire/Ice.. What's your OPINION?

Hello there my fellow spell caster that like to shoot fire.. Or ice.. From there hands.. So I have a question for all of you.. Which do you prefer? I can't decide which I want.. Ice- whose doesn't like shooting people with ice? Powerful Use lots of Energy Slow(ish) recast time Fire- you get to burn ...

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