Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Search found 8 matches

Ostara event

Direct question to OTM staff:
When will the new ostara event go live?
Summer is soon and we still did not have spring event.
Please provide with feedback

MrPoseidon is back

Hey ya all tarania players. Finally I am back. It's the real Pos. After dealing with support like for a month I got my account back, thank you support guys for giving me second chance. I missed you all guys, if you don't trust that it's real one I am ready for questions. See ya!

Taranis Family

Hey ya guys! I wanted share you, that world Taranis is a beautiful world and very peaceful. Clans are always glad to help each other. As you can see we all waiting for a huge event dragon! All are happy and cheerful! Visit our world and u will be happy!


Hello Taranis players, I am looking to buy purple stag, purple bear, purple lion and royal rogue rings.
My name is MrPoseidon, mail me or catch me in game :)
Thanks for attention !:)

Taranis Druid Party

This is Taranis Mainly Druid's party. I know you envy them, but dnt be jealous its a bad thing :) They are the best :) They were having a party, they didn't notice me so i began to photo them! And this was there. After that they wanted take off their clothes and dance Gangnam Style, but Siobon is ma...

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