Nice to know u know the inner workings of relentless mr arjune. And I agree BDA, dark, rimp , peach, and many others I have not mentioned are all super clannys that always go above and beyond. But relentless is where it is at by the whole clan working together to achieve all the goals that were put ...
I am surprised u are a guard or a gen... I left with full points. I won a freeze ring and a helm with the countless kills i helped with.. MD had no bank at all and built from scratch. U keep on with these lies to discredit me and a abuse everyone who leaves relent. I heard you are an adult but I am...
I assume I am hated by lots as well, but for the right reasons. Working hard to keep controle of imp posses in gwid, and pushing fellow clannys to make the right decisions for the clan. And the bully thing I have only had issues with 2 people in the past 3 years of playing, one was sin for stealing ...
I guess I was wrong then ... I was just tring to show someone that nobody get picked on for no reason but the thread went down the wrong path sorry if I upset Annyone.
Awake i like what u are doing , it is much more rewarding when u start from scratch and build your way up with hard work and dedication, look foreward to more lock battles!
You have done it to yourself arj not only u are hated by all in gwid u are hated by all in forums as well. And I treated u with respect i was even on your side wile u were in clan you did this to yourself with your actions and comments .
When u left we were not rolling for drops we were voting by how active clannys were. If u were half the camper you say u were we would of given u gear. The funny thing about that is soli knew about this and didn't give you gear as well. So you did there dirty work for nothing. And those toons u ment...