i would bet alot of these people who say 0$ are lying to sound better or something, when nobody really cares lol. honestly ive lost count but im thinking around 1k
Platinum issues are very rare Yeah it sucks when OTM takes money from you and doesn't give you the product you purchased. I had the exact same problemthat you had about two weeks ago. I tried everything that they offered nothing worked and in the end they stopped replying to me telling me first off...
Yep they don't. That's why they made new engine,event. Because they don't care about you yep. lol this isnt valid at all. they make new engines new updates and new events so people keep coming back for more. more playing=more addiction=more plat=more money for OTM. they are a buisness and the main ...
about a week ago i lost 100$ of plat. when i bought it, my plat did not show up. i did everything it says on the forums and nothing worked. i sent some support tickets, emails and forums messages and i have not even gotten ONE response. they honestly couldnt care less about investiating this proble...
about a week ago i lost 100$ of plat. when i bought it, my plat did not show up. i did everything it says on the forums and nothing worked. i sent some support tickets, emails and forums messages and i have not even gotten ONE response. they honestly couldnt care less about investiating this problem...