What's up ros pft I can't even log in and say hi ..may get a level or two in..... Curse the new update! Can't even see my sled or coven hats those are my children ... There were so many things I never did with you sledia! And bluecovina! My my goodness gracious
Ungrateful poopies most of you are, the point of the new engine was to bring a better gaming experience....and they get a buncho complaints, which is fine.. they do need to fix the glitches but some(not all) don't need to be rude. let the design team do what they can to fix the problems and shush!
Sled Love Her wood is so smooth Her bells are so bright Oh sled why must you be such a great sight She glides through the air clean and swift She makes the trip better, its a gift, no my friend you cannot have a lift! She is always there for me when I need a good laugh No my dear I would never upgr...
The is a boat crafted by the hands of me on mount living room table accompanied by the pencil of led and the paper of what ever paper is made ofness enjoy the boat with magical Celtic powers that floats!
This is why a freaken love you zan Jessica ksed Juanita's stonefang so Trixy murdered Juanita in arena for texting Jessica arena death threats. She then popped a combo lix and all helllll broke loose. The idol decline of 2014 went underway as many lives were taken by the big boy high level!!! :twist...