Is anyone else having a very difficult time finding this flower? I have picked upwards of 800 marigolds and 150 periwinkles and only found 4 foxgloves. Just wondering if there is a better spot where they are more likely to spawn or if they really are that much of a pain? Thanks in advance
First off yall, I have no intentions of being as hostile as this thread is making people sound. Secondly, yalls care and concern for the most random things baffles me. If this is going to be some big rivalry where just cause one persons in a clan and another persons in another clan, they cant be fri...
Well Im 51 now.. After 40 i just sat in knights room in groups letting them get kills but getting credit for the quest. However, that took me to level 47 before it got ridiculous so then i went to kiaras spawn room and camped til level 50 mobs would spawn. It took me about 12 hours from 49-50 but on...
So since the warden to meteoric armor quest was changed in ios from using things such as soul orbs and demon stones to meteoric crystals, which are only dropped in sewers, will meteoric be done the same way, we just have to wait on sewers to complete or will it be reverted back to collecting random ...