I know I'll probably get a lot of hate for this, but honestly screw it! I really feel bad for ruining the relationship between me and Tubbi, he was my best friend! I don't want a damn game ruining my real-life relationship with a person. Although he might have done something to make me mad, I want t...
Hey Iman. I am happy to inform you that OTM activated my account again! I would appreciate the financial help if you can Iman, my characters name is Bayta Level 95
Dark, my story is the ONLY Truth Tubbi is always feeding *** to you people! btw i dont recall you kicking me out of any clan, or having conflict. I just remember we would talk a little. but i neever had problems with you
Yes my name is Bayta level 95 rouge, and I had a lot of stuff which tubbi scammed, OTM mailed me and is working on it currently. DarkDruid I may hit you up if OTM doesn't do anything. Tubbi probably made that whole googster scamming him thing up. HE"S DEVIOUS, he texted me a screenshot of this ...
I'm sorry for this very late post, I know time has passed, I just didn't know how to put this in words. Although you guys maybe won't trust me or believe me this is what I wanted to say about the previous events that took place in the banning of my Celtic Hero Account. First of all I am sorry I neve...