SELLING Elixirs: *Combos BUYING Heroic Elixirs: *Super Knowledge *Amour *Regen *Energization *Wisdom Restoration pots. Resurrection idols Sigil crates energy and regen. Fashion: Red coven hat Wings 80% speed+ Gear: * Mage rings- fire bolt, fire storm, lure of fire and fire attun. (+4 and +5) * Drui...
Heroic Elixirs: *Super Knowledge *Amour *Regen *Energization *Wisdom Restoration pots. Resurrection idols Sigil crates energy and regen. Fashion: Red coven hat Gear: * Mage rings- fire bolt, fire storm, lure of fire and fire attun. (+4 and +5) * Druid rings- lighting strike, storm touch, natures tou...