I be ranger lvl 216
I'm available sparatically between 4pm GMT 6am GMT. (9am Mountain time - 11pm Mountain Time) My schedule varies greatly from day to day so I can only give you my spawn window and not specific times. XD
I tried just about everything and can see no effect from the minced pies.... no sparklies, no boosts, no regen... just... words that cost gold since you have to buy the ingredients.
Let me know if anyone finds any noticeable effect other then expensive words.
So... Admin... And whoever else cares to read... How much of this game do you find to be a psychological experiment? How we interact? How we connect or dont? Isnt this world in micro equal to the worl ir in micro? Please tell me somone is doing their thesis in psychology or social sciences here....?...
I was wondering if anyone had compiled a list of all the various bits and pieces needed to make each piece of the dragon armor? And also which bosses tend to drop said pieces? Thanks for any info anyone has.
What about forien players where english is not their first language yet they are trying hard anyway? Isn't it rather presumptious of Americans to assume the entire world should speak English fluently? Also there are some days I'm so laggy I just about can't type at all. On these day a reply might ha...
Honestly clans are made of people, anAd it's the people who are most important. Forget the clans or this clan against this, or mainstream clanness. Taranis needs what all of humanity needs... More peace, understanding, and cooperation. A great leader does what can help the people the most. It doesn'...
Can we start right away, or do we need to wait till we are invited into the clan. And who is doing the inviting? Should we all just stand around at the beach waiting?