Depends on classes tbh if u fight ranger riposte opaf but bad on mages and druid for warrior you want poison damage for rogues you want high burst dmg and high HP makes well same druids well high HP won't help as much IMO coz they can heal so u wanna have high dmg to kill before they kill basic PvP ...
I was thinking of trying out fists because if haste had worked it would be super fast and I hit 500-700 fist autos with edl dmg hrung braces and 180 offhand haste dagger but since it doesn't work no point
buying +4/5 stining swarm natures touch storm touch and lightning stike rings also level 80+ druid event gear especially samhain and fishing rings will pay lots or trade for lixes
Im level 199 I get 14% per supper combo I have 10 vit 1k str 1k dex gear buffs hp to 7k i use mord spear and haste dagger my skills are ss(lvl 45) qs(lvl 50) rip(lvl 48) PW(lvl 50) DBL(I think 37 it reaches up to lvl 220) and rest of points in assassinate the reason they so high is because i have 3 ...