Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

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Re: Mounts or Pet

You have said you will not being buying chests, but let me add a comment for readers who are considering. In the new aeon chest the token (pet and mount) appears to have dropped to 5 per 100. The trade off is that you have a chance for a legacy mount. The drop rate for legacy mounts is difficult to...

Re: Mounts or Pet

3) Should I save up and get the most expensive mount or pet or the cheapest one? I would advise getting a Tier 4 pet and leaving it at level 1. Rather get a Tier 1 pet and breed it to level 3; same token cost, with a higher benefit. While the ceiling of the skills/attributes is higher with the Tier...

Mounts or Pet

Hello, still kind of new to Celtic Heroes.. I have a question regarding mounts and pets. 1) Where do you get mount or pet tokens? I now about the bounty vendor. 2) Which should I get first a mount or a pet? 3) Should I save up and get the most expensive mount or pet or the cheapest one? 4) as a rang...

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