Are you honestly trying to claim that your guys quit the server out of some benevolent self-sacrifice to Lugh as they felt they were too strong for the server anymore and it wasn’t fair? You, the same person who mercilessly bullied and harangued people standing keeping timers on their own, laughing ...
Sorry kid we don’t grieve :) and sorry if thinks didn’t work out for you, and I never freeloaded in alli so get your facts straight, i like how you insinuate things without facts to back it up but okay you can’t even give me a list, All you do is complain eversince it’s funny as hell. Bad blood my a...
Thanks Shivah, the thing is that he has the most gold in the server and has accumulated it over the years, now what he does is if he sees lixes that’s being sold for a fair price in ah he buys it and resells it to a higher price which ruins the economy for other players outside our clan, on the othe...
Uhm lol? we grieved? sorry kid you lost me there. He said he never went back but on the screenshot you agreed lmfao thank you for your time, I wish you all the best! Well it’s clear that there was an opportunity to unite the server killing bt which you then wanted to go back on because you felt you ...
Im sorry? You’re telling me what to do? You don’t even know the conversation that went down, I said it before and I’ll say it again, worry about yourself and don’t worry about our clan, if you don’t agree with what we do you can grind your teeth I really don’t care. You can talk all you want and it ...
Well it’s clear that there was an opportunity to unite the server killing bt which you then wanted to go back on because you felt you wanted to retain competition on lugh and keep all the drops in a dominant clan. How this could have led to a united server rather than competing sides and you screwed...
Oh our recruitment is none of your business it’s simple as that. I’ll worry about my clan you worry about your clan if you have one Lol, you already bring griefers and scammers in. Or was that general that scammed your clan bank recently( which did it before to alliance, but ofcourse then its fine)....
More honest? List me names now. I have a good reply for you, how about we bring in all the scammers and the grievers in, how does that sound? Fair enough right? Im not your dad but dude be realistic, be mindful. Always think before you make a decision. Don’t tell us how we should run our clan More h...