So the other day I was doing the quest “the ceremonial dagger” and when I got the dagger I dropped it not know I had to have it to carry on with the next quest (killing the wraith) anyways I’ve messaged support but they haven’t replied (I know it takes time) but I’m now level 63 and I can’t get the...
They said in a different post they weren’t going to do it. Which probably means itl never happen because even tho premium pets should be treated like the rest, the bottom line is they make more money if we can’t refund them. Money is what they care about.
I’ve had my own experience with it. I left a clan after opposing other generals and guardians over a scammer they couldn’t accept was a scammer. Whilst I’d put years into the clan and into perfecting the build itself. They asked me to return my old gear. I flat out told them No. Why is it selfish ke...
The Support team was previously acting against the intended design of the pets like the Dragon and the Phoenix by allowing players to refund them, and those requests were being abused (even with only receiving half of the eggs returned). In order to respect the wishes of the development team and en...
Can an admin please clarify if we can refund premium pet for half price, I don’t really think it’s fair if we are forced to keep a pet we don’t want just because it’s only obtainable by chests. It’s not something a game should be doing
Personally had a terrible interaction with this Asked support a question about a Phoenix, told me getting my 2 eggs from my lvl 2 pet was not refundable Soooo I asked for half price, which I have been informed is fine But apparently not I got the exact same, word for word, punctuation exact answer “...