Hi, so I've been in the process of an appeal for a little over a month, back and forth messages with appeals and I'm in the final stages now, last question they asked was what was the original/first email registered to the account, which I provided. But i heard they try to reply by Fridays and this ...
Hi i contacted support a little over two weeks ago asking if someone could help get my account email reset because I forgot what the registered email was and i can't reset the password anymore. I provided all the details support asks for (username, creation date, etc.). then they replied once tellin...
yes but I have a similar but kind of separate problem from this, is support able to manually change passwords/emails for problems such as mine? I already sent the info they ask for through email.
Hey everyone, I've been trying to reset my password through email because I unchecked the "remember me" box and its been a while since I entered it manually lol :/ so I'm trying to get a password reset through email but its not sending me it. Was just wondering is anyone else having this p...