- trailblazers neck of the falcon (lvl190)
- trailblazers brace of the falcon (lvl190)
- hallowed neck of venom (lvl150) 200focus 1000 poison dmg skill and 70 regen
Dex build will help with solo lvling because of the bonus defence and you can use light heal to aid. That is if your trying to avoid smashing so many restos.
Hey bro. The game is still good. Things have changed and I guess there's 2 sides to the game now. But still good people playing and is still quite enjoyable to play. Still a grind and all, so not much has really changed I guess. Will be good to see you online
Ok lets not bring up the past attempt or rule breaking or any of that business. It does not effect the decision making on alternate mordy times. It has to be set atleast once a week otherwise you gonna be posting more stuff about how people are trying to kill on unset times. So please can we just di...