I'm the only guy who likes when girls show off their tits?! no, but dont you find it disturbing logging in to see 8-14 year old girls nearly topless? also facebook isint ment to be a cinnamon roll website, or a fashion website. X D what most people dont over think is what you post to facebook stays...
I want to know how many guys work on Celtic Heroes and say at each team menber great job and thanks for ur game. I m playing ur game for winter 2011 and when i see how the game improved in 2year i think next update will be amazing. i cant wait :) Srry for the grammar,try to write french comment You...
Since someone decided to delete my post for no reason.. My youtube channel is tayiler4036 and i will often upload videos about the game.. Usually consisting of Rare mobs/bosses, leveling, builds, etc. Idk why they deleted my first post but this is solely to help the players. Subscribe if you want !