I know there were aeon chests released having all of the old mounts in them but the chests now only contain mount tokens. Can you only get a mount by mount tokens now? If so, will chests with actual mounts return? You can click on the chests and see the “drop rates” In a percentage based format are...
WOW!!! Congrats!!! This is amazing!!! .-. :roll: No part of it is :lol: That’s whole point. In 100 kills we have gotten nothing worth mentioning besides one godly ranger charm. i would have to disagree. You guys have several godly best in slot charms along with many imperials which are still better...
Bully? Honestly haven’t had many issues with the server since I’ve started here. 4 months ago. It’s a mmo people talk S**T. Most people are pleasent though.
Run the following skills and use a mele elemental off hand. Double atk ( put points in this to match the lvl of mobs you’re killing. Yes! druids can use double atk.) Vines Swarm Lightning strike Storm touch ( can get skill from book quest and collect the pages) bark Optional: nature touch (I’d only ...
I personally think they will steer away from Carrow carnage. But last legacy event I maybe slept 6 hours. I think.. only saw 1 gara, 1 skain. They could of done a little bit better job. With spawn rates (4-8 hours).