Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Search found 4 matches


-Sorry for the late post!- - For those of you who have been asking and wondering where I am/ have been, i'm here to say that I won't be on as much as I used to be. I'm super super busy with school. I will try to log in once every night, or every so often to chat and help out as much as I still can....

Re: Glitched Plat?

just make an itunes account based in one of the states where digital tax doesnt exist, works for me,

i live in canada and have an itunes account registered to viginia- no tax on plat! :D

Haha ok thanks for the tip!

Glitched Plat?

Hey there, I recently found an iTunes apple buried in my room, so I entered the code, and and went to buy some plat. It was a $10 iTunes code, so I tried to buy the 9.99 plat, but it said insignificant remaining space on your account? I then tried the 4.99 deal, to see if it was bugged so I clicked ...

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