Why otm why? The 3rd bolg room always had a 3star mob that respawned withing 45 seconds after it was killed, suddenly that mobs respawn timer has been changed so he spawns with the same timer as the rest of the room. The problem is there are not enough mobs in the room to begin with, this fast spawn...
We have never griefed a Mordris raid until yesterday. Havoc started the Mordris griefing in this server. That's the plain simple truth. This is why I have responded to Ail, Because we have been interfered with before. I'm not crying over it just merely stating fact Aileron hasn't been present at al...
All edl bosses are meant to be killed before they rage. And that means 15 min at most fo each edl 6 star. If they can be killed in 5 min with a full group of 8 players then I would say it is way too easy. And edl bosses like Unox 6 is like a mini endgame boss which u need some strategy and enough p...