I think all the events are great i joined CH as the Christmas event ended and i thought it was good as a noob. Admittedly I dislike the 1 seal completely a day for each land gonna take sooo long but that's personal pref. but so far I have enjoyed it and its cool being able to have more quests and th...
it will take 6 days for the BP coz u need 6 seals i am aiming for all BP's first every1 of them needs 6 seals. but it would have been nicer if we were able to do each seal guy once a day instead of just the 1 seal a day for all. its gonna take i think i worked it out to be at least 3 weeks before a ...
Yes I also agree there needs to be a permanent gold increase especially with being a level 128 who farms guys at level 90 for the same amount of good as a 130 it needs to be increased its alredy hard enuf trying to save for items and buy them yeh the drops make a bit of money to but they are pretty ...