If it was based on virtues then i would choose germans.
Puffin members like magicuser has been annoying trying to ks me all the time.
But if it was clans going to war then puffin would win because they have some pretty strong players.
But then again germans have heroskill haha lol.
Yes This happened to me once when my ipod was lagging out. I accident pressed "j" when i was typing inthe name to send to but really meant to put in "jk" because that was my alt.
Hey my names cougrr from crom. Well i met this guy named bigwhtehulk and hes a rogue. He told me can i transfer for him on rosemerta. So i made a character on rosemerta and i find out hes one of the strongest healers. I transfered alot of expensive items for him on a level 1 warrior named omegaBeast...
Haha wat a noob. Btw can u plz post those screen shots. I want to see if i look good in it. Hope u got my gud side. And idc bout ur family. U act like ur gonna die if i dont giv u MY golden bodkin. U should grow up and do something with ur life instead of paying heaps of money on this game. #F4GSTATUS
Seriously? You have said that for a whole week so i can give you my gold bodkin. And first of all i am not bluespirit. Second of all you harass me all the time saying give me the bodkin or you will ban my account. And lastly, do what you said you would do. And tell your friends to stop whispering to...
Can i borrow like an ammy lol...? Thats pretty much all i need to level with and i will be all set!!! And i told scorp and he said thanks and that hes sorry you cant play anymore.