theres nothing happen just got a solstice helm .... but i saw you a few days ago i think you was leaving that game ? Oh one thing is happen me was boring and i remember all king steals i get and now here is the rank 1.)Pride 10 times ks (bad ks cauze they regroup me !) 2.)Paradox also Versus 7 time...
I have this ring for a few weeks in my bag. And I saw it a few days back. Now it's nowhere to be found. I have send a support ticket. I could have lag sold it or lag drop. Please investigate. Thanks.
I drop an important item that i have purchased with lots of gold dued to server lagged out. I have spend a lot of real money on it. The details are in the support ticket that I have raised.
Please help me get it back. Greatly appreciate it. Thanks.