and the person hosting the game should pick the rules set for the battle, or maybe it could be a whole game thing where admins could organise the gaming events and pick the time and the rules for all the servers in the game and they would be doing battle all at the same time. pre update about a few ...
yes! mini-games in arena!! heres a game idea maybe called "Team War", it goes like this: theres X amount of teams, say 3 teams, the teams has no limit of members and it uses the same chat as group chat, all members in your group are non-hostiles (obviously), and maybe each team has maybe a...
so insain talks all this smack, makes it out that his awesome new clan is rising and blah blah then a week later him and his two(?) clannies totally disappears from rhiannon? seems to me insane just talks out of his rear end and is living some kind of fantasy.
Here is a list of groupie's groups for Rhiannon and the whole of Celtic Heroes. Rhiannon: 339042- Levelling Groups (call for training groups) 763014- Rhiannon FreeforAll (discuss issues) 279134- Celtic Heroes- Rhiannon Auction House (buy/sell items) 823376- Infinity Lottery Winning Numbers (discuss ...
Arwen, kslay and nae made a big effort on the FFA rules and they have worked great, but it may need some updating i agree. i've made a groupie group for anyone to share their ideas for a possible change or add ons to the current FFA rules for rhiannon. only a draft of ideas, please be mature and kee...