I do wanna come back but. Just itll take me too long to get my stuff that i need which is one of the reasons i quit.
-lots of bestfriends quit
-takes too long to save up for items.
I want to come back but itll take a while for me to get my lux stuff back. I dont wanna start my lvl 127 mage, 80something rogue and ranger all over again. That would be HELL. ;-;
And allymia who are you?
I feel like coming back to the game i miss this crap so much lol,
But. Problem is i have like no lux items ;-; and itll take me forever to get stuff again
I started playin star legends. You know still a noob xD
Anyone here play? And whats your name? Mine is
EponasHell or EponaHell
I forgot which one xD ^.^