Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Search found 14 matches

Re: Items that i need help returning

Ginger, Ginger, Ginger, Ginger....Ginger. Stfu! :D bro stop scamming people and stop being "that guy", I used to think u were a cool dude, now ur just weird, annoying, and mean. Btw my bracelet (which was urs) got scammed :/ awesome right, AND I'm broke so I got nothin to pay u back with,...

Re: UPDATED: I'm leaving forever :(

That's the word I'm looking for... Not greedy or mean, but a SCAMMER :) Sorry Ginger btw, someone scammed my 6dmg bracelet I don't have it anymore :( sorry, it was probably u who hacked my account and took my red rems too. Oh well, TemplarKnight died a month ago. Thanks to u. TEMPLARKNIGHT lvl 70 W...

Re: Rogue Leveling Guide 1-150

Sorry I don't take advice from plat kids
Why the plat buyer hate? Plat buyers keep the free-to-play model alive for those that don't/can't buy. I'd hate to think my peers on CH look down on me just because I can afford to pay for plat.

Re: The nerfed rogues.

Ok, I have a slightly different point to make. So recently, I've been trying to lvl my lvl 102 rogue, and as I spent hundreds of thousands of gold on elixirs and such, my ranger buddies are solo leveling the samestuff I am, at ->LVL 90<-!!! They jump about 30 lvls ahead, while I stick around lvl 100...

Re: UPDATED: I'm leaving forever :(

Well, thanks cookie, blame all of your problems on me, because I obviously helped u lvl for no reason whatsoever... Anyways, 50 rems! That's hella lot! And Howard, I know who u are, and if I was powerfulrogue, don't u think I would have a carpet? And if u suggest I sold it, why in the hell was I a ...

Re: Rebels failing/getting better?

LOL, Cookieman that sucks, but btw, REBELZ is failing, bonluckys freaking out lol, I think AsieBoo left, if not, she basically shuns him now, and he gave her for free full quartz armor and a silver blade of battle, again ALL FOR FREE, and now she doesn't even talk to him :3 anyways bro, i heard its...

Re: Items that i need help returning

One, Cookie stop writing BS about me, two, I didn't do spectral, really, three, I'm not a lazy ass, I actually have a life, 125lbs, 5 foot 10 inches, and I have a girlfriend... P.S.: @SHADOW what's the name of ur characters, I probably didn't block, I just say I blocked and ignore the fk out of them...

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