Its time for my conacht vanq set to go my new champ needs some funding & before you ask no im not selling individual pieces smh so knock yourselves out, i have everything minus the vanq shield but il even offer up the legendary EXECUTIONERS royal mountain if the price is right... Also il conside...
Haha thats pretty funny cran riddle me this tho, if everything was so fine and dandy why was the real rip bullied into quitting...( He aint the only one btw) What you think thats real one running around haha ye right... Come on thats a load of rubbish and anyone who has any sort of morality wouldnt ...
Great to see you so opinionated on current affairs wud, i assume you got the soli version of the story right??? Im a traitor etc etc blah blah and your just following everyone blindly as usual right? And as for saying no one cares about those who left soli cause we werent worth much or whatever song...
also as for what soli is??? i think desperate is the word im gonna choose well your leaders are anyway not all just a few see I'm hearing a few are running around ks my clannies while their training and demanding our high levels quit hahaha weak attempt before you negotiate what do you think that re...
Thats a very interesting story "chief" but i think you left out the part where you drove others to quit, backed out on deals when your word was trusted in good faith, or how about the part you where you'd ks your own clannies.... (charming) but my absolute favorite part is how the noble so...
Forgive me if i sound sarcastic and mean but im just curious what has helter achieved? Largest clan yes, most active only cause you constantly gain new "guardians"not recruits... And as for most powerful thats a flat no... to be honest youv just achieved largest clan achievement 2.0 great ...
To be honest most ppl have someone in game they wanted to be like at some stage for instance yuuki was and is my idol in game, i remember watching him run around solo legits when i was 36, (back when ppl werent spoon fed combos) he always liked grouping lower levels even tho they were useless, guess...