MrN1ceGuy, your not tank either. im level 50 with 1.7k hp, thats a tank... also my bandage wounds is 1/15 (50 heal pts) because i use recuperate and my regens. id rather use skill points on more useful skills.
Since you are a (less funded) player, i recommend you sell your maul and get a quartz weapon (if you can afford) , if not get an ancient falchion. you should be training at the unicorn, wisp area of stonewall, stay away from the druids though, they are fairly powerful.
if you get the 1mil get in this order, heroic gloves (150k) heroic amulet (200k) heroic boots (150k) golden blade of ice, fire, magic or trident (225-250k) then you should have about 300k leftover to get all your disks etc, i don't find the bodkin very helpful so i wouldn't recommend using it.