Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Search found 11 matches

Officially Quitting

Starting from the beginning, I'm not high-level or anything. My highest leveled character is only 130. Anyway, I've been playing Celtic Heroes for more than a year. I had a lot of fun during these times. Moreover, I met many new people in my life. After the update, I have begun to find this game qui...

Any melee mage using a wand??!!

Wands do really suck, in my opinion. Why can't they be piercing dmg and have no range? maybe if u stab ur enemy there is a spark of flames or something like that. With golden Blade of Fire, the 75 strength does NOTHING. It would only add a few dmg if I have the godly talon bracelets on, which is TER...

Re: Anything wrong with my build?

K, I began with hitting some training dummies and other mobs. Ur right hand2 hand is great, much better dps than wand. The 200 ice fire magic didnt really make a big difference in my opinion. I just wish us mages are able to hold knuckleblades. Hand2Hand is now 1204 after a week of training. GEAR: -...

Anything wrong with my build?

Ok, this build is obviously not meant for pvp. I lose to mages 10 or more lvls lower than me. Here it is. It is a solo melee DPS build. GEAR: -Golden Helm of Intensity (added dmg to melee hits) -Greater Earthstone Breastplate (can't afford radiant! Offers dps) -Greater Earthstone Skirts (for dps, ad...

Update 4

As far as I know,, there will be a Caverns zone, tower in otherworld is opened, and...

-Dragonscale armour
-Mounts and pets?


Re: Need help on level 57 mage!!

Ok, thanks guys. Here is my new build after using alt book. -Cloak of Fire: 7/20(11/20 with ring) -Energy Shield: 11/20 -Ice Shards: 20/20 -Fire Bolt: 14/20 -Lure of Fire: 6/20 -Lure of Ice: 6/20 -Incinerate: 4/20 -Sacrifice: 5/20 (I don't find E-Boost very useful. I still prefer Sacrifice. Rest poi...

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