Eze, big decision hope you come back one day . It is sad to see people i lrealy like to play with go. But hope you are able enjoy real life and forgive otm they were nd are pretty busy at the moment with things like androit, new engine. New items events, eat pizza, kebap drink cola relax and do not...
-150 axe, fire dmg 250k
-Dagger of slaying 250k
-Ring of haste 250k
-Lvl 100 Freezing Dmg Helm 250k
Or trading these and 100k for a royal SS! IGN: Zintos
Can one be too focused on soloing? My rogue can solo 4* mobs my level levels above me, 3* ones about 5 levels above me etc. I know most people can probably do this too, but my Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like is is it too much? Should i rather inve...
Hey its skillfull, i am here to say farewell, it was very fun on morrigan, but if you haven't noticed, i quit morrigan. I might say hi here and there, but arawn is my new home lol feel free to visit and say hello, goodbye! here is my rogue..
Look at the items name, then read the description, they misspelled Connacht (if that's how it's spelled), they use the word connatch twice with 2 different spellings lol