Oh ok always felt like a little delay. And 530 dex if I tried that I'd have no points for anything else and sharp shot rings don't drop that much... Well I've never seen it drop. I think I have a little over 500 damage and no dex armour
I have full metoric except the bp would a dex build be good for that or stay at my dps. And crystals right sharp shot never hits that much higher than auto plus the delay to load up
and thank you crystal for your advice :D is 1.2k hp with some lux OK? I'm sitting at 155 vit and i dont use bolas unless its a 3 star mob for now... and ok my clan was gonna gimme conceal ill take it add throw some points into it but i wont completely switch over until 125. but camo isint very helpf...
ok ill reset my stats then having 310 str is a bit much imo. so im thinkinhg takin g110 out of str stuffing it all into dex for 200str 190dex 10foc 155vit and off topic but camo or conceal im thinking of moving to conceal because aoe and lasts during combat which can help so no mobs floating around ...