Hi, I started a new toon and am trying to get to lvl 100 as fast as possible. My question is, with sc's taken care of, decent offhand and wep, could I make it to lvl 100 w/ needing regens and fire blades? I bought a fiery axe but idk if I should hassle with something lower like venom blade, etc etc....
its ok for everything but not great at anything XD, I use Def. Form, Proc Stance(Both Maxed) with half GS and max shatter and skewer hopefully I can become full dl if my clan ever decides to boss more XD EDIT I was hoping to get my defense from a future DL set and was thinking of putting 300 pts in ...
Personally I'm forced to go hybrid, few people log for bosses, barely any druids so I do my best to fill in for the team(lvl 180 DL hands with Beast/Spellworught mix lmao)
700 str
11k hp
1500+ dmg
600 def
600+ attack
something like that lol
Selling Black and White enscrolled Wolf Masks 75k each
Axe of conquest 375k
And keep an eye out for
2014 Sunshard attack brace 450k
2014 sunshard Dmg ammy 700k
So I havent played in a while, but im a somewhat formidable warrior back in ros. Lvl 180, My gear consists of spider helm 50 vit/ str Anc beast chest Dl gloves Spell wrought boots and pants(useless lol) And 150 axe and 100 str mord spear My dilemma is! That im considering a new build My plan is to o...
Its a generous idea but I've seen it done on tolowin before, but you must be an absolute angel to spend lots of money and just giving it to noobs
PS its not you that'll make ros a better place @-@