Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Search found 19 matches

Selling Diamond armor

Title says all. Selling the ff. Armor pieces Battlemist diamond helm (60k) Regal diamond breastplate (100k) Chromos diamond greaves (80k) Yessir these are in fact warrior diamond armor and i do believe i am the only active person with diamond warrior armor ( i think :P) message me in game as "E...

Selling Stuff

Selling the following:
Turquoise Frost guard bp - 55k
Turquoise Frost guard Pants - 35k
Alt books - 4k each
Red diamond helm (warrior) - 55k
Purple diamond bp (warrior) - 70k
Green diamond pants (warrior) - 65k

That's all i got. Happy shopping :D

World xfer from gwydion

Greetings Rhiannon!!! I am world xfering some of my items to here.
1. Black spectral charm (rarest) or 300k
2. Avalanche sled (rarest) or 600k
3. Serenader's flute (3rd rarest from sunburst chests) or 100k
Looking for serious people. I will be looking for a midldleman :D.

World xfer some stuff

Greetings!!! :D. I am elloso from the world gwydion :). I am currently world xfering the following items:
-Avalanche Sled (60% Rarest)
-Black Spectral charm (rarest)
Feel free to leave your offers :D. Thank you and have a good day :D

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