The items will still have the same icon as vanilla minecraft items since if I changed them it would require you to download something to play on the server so ancient stuff will be like gold leather and stuff like that Its gonna take a while but i have the basic island of lirs shape made but thats p...
Ive started to make a celtic heroes server and I will also be writing the code for all the armor scale is silver leather ancient stuff is gold leather but ill change the armor points. Ive finally finished the shape of lirs 2013-09-22_09.43.14.png Ill also try and recode the enderdragon to act more l...
Ive decided to make a celtic heroes server instead of just a plugin gonna finish the plugin first, so I basically just have to create a bunch of new items. Camo charm gives u invisibility on right click, speed boots give u speed etc.
For all you people who play minecraft out there what do you think about a celtic heroes bukkit plugin? It would add a bunch of items like armor and lux items but in minecraft, so people could make Celtic Heroes minecraft servers.