Hey guys i need a brilliant pvp build for lvl 100 rogues. Tried everything but couldn't find a good one, my build atm is 120 str 100 dex 10 foc 310 vit this build is okay cant exactly beat those pvp players, i really need a good build so if anyone has something to share please post! And btw i use re...
Yo was checking round to see stuff admins posted for smahain event, they made a list on all the items they added and when i came across mounts it said samhain fellspine then greater samhain fellspine and then grand!!!!! Does our world have it? if u do pls post a pic on it im rlly interested
Yes I know..but I have 145str and he only has 85!!!
He almost does the same damage as me! For eg.i do 379 and he does 370! This is what I want to know.
But hold on... I have 140 str and he has 85 (last time i got wrong but not much difference anyways) and he does almost the same dmg as me!! There is basically no difference between our items pls help i need to know. :/
Okay.. So I have a level 58 rogue with 140 str and almost 700 attack..with 379 dmg...but I have a friend who has 60str and does almost the same damage as me!!!!!He has around 400 attack.. So the question is what is attack suppose to show???!?? It definitely does not show how much damage u do...from ...
Okay whoever is reading this could you please do me a favor? go to your mailbox and when it says To:, type in Kaieero I want to know which world my account is in, if you do find the character ( around level 20 or so) please write it in the comments and tell me your username and i will make an offer ...