Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Search found 3 matches

Re: Patching issue

Well, honestly, i don't even know what patching is, but it's not the waiting that's the problem (sorry if I didn't clarify that very well, I was just kinda impatient). You see, I'd select "Log In" and it'd take me to the load screen to the game, but then the app would close, EVERY TIME. Wh...

Patching issue

Hi, I JUST downloaded Celtic Heroes, and the game looks great and I can't wait to play it! But when I made an account on the game, I selected "Create Account" when I was done and once it sent me to the loading screen, it got as far as "Finding Patch list" or something like that. ...

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