Yes im hacking a bit to help admins fix it
I will put every hack here (I WILL NOT EXPLAIN HOW TO DO THEM)
Hack list:
1) Walking through walls (others will see you doing it aswell)
2) All abilitys (im a rogue but i got all abilitys from other classes too)
3) Editing npc text (only you can see it i used it to trade all skillbook sellers but u cant use skillbooks from other classes)
Re: U saw me hacking?
#2Wow! I heard about these hacks, but I didn't know anyone really made these yet. Shouldn't you have admin permission first though?
Re: U saw me hacking?
#4My hacks are better brb ill upload some screenies since they finally patched it.
Want moooooaaaaarrrr?
Want moooooaaaaarrrr?
Re: U saw me hacking?
#8Ask admin, I had like 50k gold at one time on my test account and it got reset then I did it again!Shatter thats not a hack. Changing pictures is called "mod"
Re: U saw me hacking?
#10Are you in the world Morrigan? I saw someone with that name and I asked if I could buy your armor and you said 50k. Also I know JackDiesel sold you the embossed plate for 34k or something. That you?
World: Morrigan
Clan: Avalon
Name: DeathsShadow
Level: 87
Class: Rogue
Longest playing Rogue in Morrigan...
Clan: Avalon
Name: DeathsShadow
Level: 87
Class: Rogue
Longest playing Rogue in Morrigan...