i have a greater solstice set
sparkling black crown
greater beltane dragonstaff which is the 50%
and greater solstice necklace
i want to know will these items continue to raise in price or should i get rid of some of the them now
Re: anyone know wether or not i should sell these items or k
#2I'd sell the Beltane staff and crown now while they're hot. Unlike solstice, more people got them and they obviously have no stats. So keep solstice, and id recommend selling this years summer items.
Re: anyone know wether or not i should sell these items or k
#3if you still have the sparkling black crown ill buy it.
Re: anyone know wether or not i should sell these items or k
#4Dont sell crown or staff they will be worth much more after event even im the first week. People who say to sell is just cuz they want amd are gonna most likely resell as soon as event overi have a greater solstice set
sparkling black crown
greater beltane dragonstaff which is the 50%
and greater solstice necklace
i want to know will these items continue to raise in price or should i get rid of some of the them now
Stemzer:81 warrior
S1ay3rz: 115 rouge
Milo06:113 ranger
Johnrock99:108 warrior
Artistia:100 mage
Stemzer:81 warrior
S1ay3rz: 115 rouge
Milo06:113 ranger
Johnrock99:108 warrior
Artistia:100 mage
Re: anyone know wether or not i should sell these items or k
#5If you still have soltice set ill buy bp