Re: Quarantine on Arawn
#11WTF is going on btw?
Last edited by Lord4042 on Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You will not join badabing. You will never join badabing if by any chance you just so happen to slip in i will destroy the clan myself. Please stop posting on this topic because you clearly have no idea what is going on, you are also being plain annoying. May sound ironic seems i was not there at the time it happened but its obvious anyone has more in sight into it than you. Also do not refer to phurious as hilter in no way is he acting like hilter and its honestly just shameful you would compare something that is happening in a game to something like that. Also do not refer to phurious as a *** in proper terms it means a pile of sticks and it is not an insult because there is nothing wrong with being gay.Its like...The way i see to win this war is to learn from celticreign.
Celtics started off as a small newbie clan. Later merge with another similar size clan and form celticreign.
So maybe as a suggestion is for Badabing to form an alliance with the remaining USKOCI folks. Similarly maybe try merging with the next 4th or 5th largest clan. This new clan maybe have the average member level lower than the average level of resurgence. But if the member size is large enough and it can made up the difference of slightly lower average member level.
Celticreign did give a hell of a time to Serenity, USKOCI and Badabing during that time. Krypto and a few others went on to challenge the establishment during that time.
Go Badabing go.
May Badabing prevail against his adversaries.
Some bada's and usk's have betrayed their armies and join re-surgery!
And so bada and usk must team up to take down re-surgery?
First celtic war in the game!
Arawn is a WARZONE now...
And ppl may quit arawn
Bada/usk VS re-surgery!
Ill join bada soon...
The definition of Destruction is Omorfos..Not Friendly and Destructive in all ways i think she should learn to take a chill pill.She made a topic about how sleep is so important then why don't you go to sleep Omorfos? ...You will not join badabing. You will never join badabing if by any chance you just so happen to slip in i will destroy the clan myself. Please stop posting on this topic because you clearly have no idea what is going on, you are also being plain annoying. May sound ironic seems i was not there at the time it happened but its obvious anyone has more in sight into it than you. Also do not refer to phurious as hilter in no way is he acting like hilter and its honestly just shameful you would compare something that is happening in a game to something like that. Also do not refer to phurious as a *** in proper terms it means a pile of sticks and it is not an insult because there is nothing wrong with being gay.Its like...The way i see to win this war is to learn from celticreign.
Celtics started off as a small newbie clan. Later merge with another similar size clan and form celticreign.
So maybe as a suggestion is for Badabing to form an alliance with the remaining USKOCI folks. Similarly maybe try merging with the next 4th or 5th largest clan. This new clan maybe have the average member level lower than the average level of resurgence. But if the member size is large enough and it can made up the difference of slightly lower average member level.
Celticreign did give a hell of a time to Serenity, USKOCI and Badabing during that time. Krypto and a few others went on to challenge the establishment during that time.
Go Badabing go.
May Badabing prevail against his adversaries.
Some bada's and usk's have betrayed their armies and join re-surgery!
And so bada and usk must team up to take down re-surgery?
First celtic war in the game!
Arawn is a WARZONE now...
And ppl may quit arawn
Bada/usk VS re-surgery!
Ill join bada soon...
Now thats out of the way im going to say what I think on the topic posted.
No i don't arawn should become a war zone. Instead of causing destruction to one another and others i think a good long talk and compromises should be made. Although it is a game and is based largely around fighting i do not think violence is the answer to the events that have happened in the past few days.
On the subject of new clans and such. I can see why certain members of badabing would of left because they felt they could not work with others in the clan that is justified and fine. I can see why they invited people from uskcoi and formed this new clan, there may be shock to those who did stay in badabing at the ones that left, shock in loyalty and such but you never truly know a person. Things will fall things will rise but thats just the way it flows. Although i think taking a clan bank may be a step to far and a compromise like rolling for the drops in bank or halving it should be made.
LOL. Somehow getting really early promotions and just about every second druid drop from aggy isn't payment enough for you? Wow.When you get 50 drops and donate 1,000's of items to a clan, you have earned something in return. I have given much more then received in my two previous clans.
If you dont know the facts, you should not be commenting on what you hear happened. All of the people commenting on what they were told happened should remember that the truth is only known by the people that were part of Bada and Uskoci. All others are just falling for the hype. When you get 50 drops and donate 1,000's of items to a clan, you have earned something in return. I have given much more then received in my two previous clans. Loaned the clan bank many items that I will never get back. I am okay with how this are now, much less fighting from my point of view.
Less fighting? That's not what I saw at hrungnir. Things are worse than ever.Clan bank is the big issue though. Bottom line is that if you think you did the right thing, don't try to justify it. It comes across as excuses to those who feel offended. If people are willing to stick with you when things go bad, they are good people. Sometimes you have to see how they are when the well runs dry though.
I have known you to be an honourable person. You stood there because you know it was wrong to spam and try to disrupt but not the other kids. Many of us did lost some idols while the spamming was going on before we could block them but that is fine.There's not much a mage could really do anyways but the point is, Arawn isn't going to be doing anything great in the next... Er... for a very long time. Anyone interested is coming over, you have been warned.
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