I only see members from Excalibur clan complaining on forums about Bada ksing bosses. For everytime a bada member post a ks from excalibur/members, Arawn forums would be flooded. This is uncalled for and needs to be locked.
I don't think BadaBing is the problem, like I said on my previous post on page 1, I think BadaBing has been extremely nice in the last few days and doing a great job of working and collaborating with other clans, the problem is, and always will be, SmellyUnder, because he just too proud to swallow his pride, a pathetic excuse for chieftain. Hope you guys overrule him and make him resign.
Tea, your not understanding because SmellyUnders hate isint directed at you, honestly bro just please stay out of it unless SmellyUnder ks'es your group 4 times in one week, it gets to a point were staying quiet walking away and being the 'bigger person' just isint an option anymore.
Again, the problem here is not BadaBing, it's Smellyunder.