Lol this is getting better with every post reply, you guys aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer
which makes the whole thing more hilarious. Smells you have to admit arawn forums been dead
for quite a while so i believe Savy sent a few Cromnian clowns to entertain us.
Sorry but I have to disagree Jack. This attempt at manufacturing drama is so poor that I really find no entertainment value in it.
I respect your opinion Gibbs but i can't see any attempts at manufacturing drama in this post. Yeah i have to agree its kind of lowest
humor ever but its still funny when imbecile making up imaginary stories about their imaginaty 214 lvl druid Gf and telling it to whole
server population in gibberish. I agree that the insults on aggy's IQ were unnecessary but still if this post will create any kind of drama
or flame war then there is something wrong with this server population.