Absolutely im mentally challenged. Thanks for the moral support bud. I dont recall insulting anyone on this thread just that i think trading hurts some people more than it helps. I dont consider that trolling. I think u just to like to use words u hear a lot that are popular as insults
But let's be real here (
Muldar don't lock this thread this is valid back and forth conversation rather than an argument,aside the fact some things were harshly said
You kinda played yourself when you said trading doesn't play a big role.
It actually doesn't benefit scammers more than legitimate players, the trade system has been used in every single server to in some form of shape distribute drops, its extremely beneficial for most of us, and as Dark Kitty stated, you can't blame the mechanic, it's really the players fault.
ok you can disagree. i myself like the ability to trade but u cant deny their are people who abuse it and the drop system. idk how many times someone runs off with drops. it all revolves around trust. which is not at all otm fault and should not be solely up to them to make the situation better. just a lot if shady people in this game. i didnt play myself. its an opinion. solely my own. i put no fault on you or anyone else other than saying things "harshly" as u put.
I dont know if you're reading one tenth of my replies or just don't know the meaning of half the words I say, I quoted harshly said because darkfell stated that you have mental illness, you read it yourself and replied to that.
You really did play yourself in this thread, making an opinion is cool but made an outrageous one which triggered me.
(An opinion is fine but it sounded like a troll post) whether you like it or not it's helped most of endgame, maybe you haven't hit anywhere near endgame so you haven't the need to raid and receive.
And as I said before, trading benefits us more than it does scammers.
Maybe fix the broken system so stuff does not need to be traded to begin with? just a thought. like maybe if the drop goes to you it will be something class specific. I mean correct me if im wrong but this game does favor arrogant, selfish, and greedy high level players.
You're making it harder on the creators, such thing that could easily be avoided, you want them to do internal stuff, no. Do explain, how many times have you traded ingame? There's been nothing you didn't have that you obtained through trading? The trading is what keeps the Gold going in a cycle and non plat buyers can benefit along side the plat buyers.
I have traded some stuff but plat buyers do not benefit me that much. I can cook for most of what i need for health, damage boosts, extra str, vit, etc. I also buy my own plat and use most of what i get. Sure it helps some but not a huge difference. Just because it benefits you does not mean thats the case on all servers. I for one can never find any restoration potions, mount and pet tokens are either not available, or outrageously overpriced. For what i can buy restos for i can cook for a 1/4 of the price. What i do like is the ability to trade fashion. Thats one thing u cannot get is some fashion without trading. When people stop trading the gold stops flowing. Other people do not trade much on some servers so that forces me in return to do the same. not because i do not want to trade but because i cannot give them stuff when their is no reciprocity.
that's a good example to put, every single collector who's been saving all their items,
example Furyion, obtaining few of the tradeable competition items, many of the old rare collectible stuff would essentially become worthless.
You can't change the main system of the game, this is an mmo and there are always people who scam,
PAY ATTENTION thats literally what the op wanted to put out, not "many ways otm could fix scamming problems" e.g. removing the trade feature.