Re: Could we all
#21Yes Smelly you are correct and for what it's worth I apologise for my actions and you are most welcome to repay me for what i did. We all have our bad guy days don't we?
Nueee, let's discuss this Ice Dragon issue. From what I was told, a daily Dragon group was formed. Upon starting daily quest they proceeded to Ice Dragon area. They Attacked Lesser first and killed it. They then proceeded to Greater where they saw You and another player attacking. Lock was established by your group on said dragon. Your group lost lock on said dragon when you both died during attack. Once lock was lost, the other group began to attack said dragon. Once your group lost lock it was fair game to any group that needed quest. The second group successfully locked and killed said dragon and then proceeded to the next dragon in the rotation. There was no intent to steal dragon from your group. They in fact were off to the side as your group was attacking. They never interfered with your groups attempt at locking said dragon. Your group lost lock as stated earlier. For you to post otherwise is misleading and you are aware of this. You can try and twist the facts in any way you see fit to fit your propaganda campaign against the other group and their clan. As for the respect issue, Respect is earned not given. You want respect? Then feel free to treat others with said respect. You want respect but you repeatedly post on here nothing but misleading and fictitious stories. Take for example, on an earlier post, you claim they brought 35 members to lock a Priest correct? You as well as I know that was not accurate. In reality it was a total of 15. There was a full group of 8 There originally. Then several other members of that clan showed up in case a 6* Priest were to pop. The total number was 15, how exactly does 35 = 15? You yourself were there in you own group of 8 as well. Yes, you indeed were outnumbered no denying that. But, as I stated it was far, far less than 35. So please, for future post... State truth and not your biased opinions!!! And one last note..... You have proclaimed Arawn to be godforsaken on previous post. You left Arawn and went Crom correct? You have claimed to be part of a great clan there as well. So, if life was so great there, and so bad on Awarn... Why come back?
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