by SuperModel
I leant a Camo Ammy to Viscious in the morning to lvl Wyverns. I logged back in later and he was loving Camo. I said no worries I have an extra on my boyfriends alt that he started to lvl but again sort of quit. I said he can continue borrowing the one I leant him; but transfer the one from Irish (not Sublime) to My DRUID. So I could lvl wyverns with him. I logged on my bfs account and Viscious met me in SV.
I traded Viscious Camo Ammy, Heroic Ammy Rejuv, and Alt Book from Irish to trade to MODEL again so we could lvl wyverns. VERY SPECIFIC about giving them to MODEL as we made plans to lvl. Can't lvl with him if he trades to some random lvl 4. Level 4s name was Asgarth or Asgrarl or something like that. Not even CLOSE to my name.
Viscious claims he offered gold to this level 4 he "accidentally" traded them to. I also offered gold and a full DF set in exchange. Asgaral or whatever declined. I was persistent. Asgarl eventually responded and said he had sold them. I said "HOW MUCH??". He said 1600 gold and a crown of bone... To a level 16 named Zednepoli.
So he wouldn't take the massive gold offers Viscious claims to have immediately offered, or my massive offers, but eventually took 1600.... Interesting.
I look to see if Zednepoli is online, he is not Viscious is. Viscious logs out, and Zednepoli magically logs in in Farcrag selling my stuff. Still no sign of Viscious. Zednepoli logs. I checked Farcrag and Lirs for him. No sign. Viscious logs back in moments after Zednepoli logs out. KrazyKatz is a witness to this event. It occured two more times.
Viscious. You transfered my a Camo Ammy and Heroic Rejuv to a random level 4 in Lirs who's name WAS NOT MODEL.
Offers of over 100k were "refused" initially, but eventually scammer accepted 1600 gold. Riiight
You logged in and out of ur scammer alt and main, logging out exactly as other logged in, again I had witnesses watching and professed this would happen before it did.
You are either a bold faced lying scammer with a very clever scheme, or ridiculously too stupid to be trusted with transfers. Seeing as you work on Missle Systems for a living, I doubt It's ur intelligence. Either way you can't be trusted to do a transfer, and I hope members of Arawn see through your "I swear I didn't mean to trade Half A Million in items to a random level 4" lie.
u did not offer to replace both or even ONE of the items you did not even apologize. You told me you had to log for family and u hope I talk him into giving my stuff back. Then u logged. This is when the level 4 conveniently sold the items to Zednepoli ( your scammer alt) and Zednepoli logged in for the first time. Then the flip flop of Viscious and Zednepoli logging in and out after one another started.
If I am wrong, and this whole thing is just a HUUUUUGE coincidental misunderstanding, return half of my stuff that you lost and give me the Hero Rejuv Ammy you have on ur main, and I'll chalk the Camo Charm up as a loss. If Admin returns both I will return that Hero Ammy back to you. I am certain u will not, because a thief is a thief. You even had the Gaul to say it wasnt ur fault, it was mine.
I have done extremely expensive transfers upwards of over a million gold, for every member of Bafa and other clans. I have never stolen or lied, or once made accusations like this. You tricked me.. Bravo. I hope others are not fooled by your "I swear I didn't know" demeanor.
Again, hand me the Hero Neck u wear then, and I will chalk the Camo up as a loss. If my items are returned by Admin, I will return that Ammy to you as well. Otherwise, considering all the "coincidences" I have no choice but to believe Zednepoli or Asgarth are a scammer alt of yours, and warn others of your scam.
Thank You - Model
Ohhhh Hai2u!!! ::)