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One last act

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:55 am
by Omorfos
*just a warning before you read any further, this might be a little long. Sorry, just got alot to type*

Well yea. If you havn't guessed from the title, I am leaving. This is my last post/act what ever you wanna call it.
I guess we all leave Celtic heroes at one point. I'm leaving because to be honest the games just a little boring. That and I got a few things going on in real life, I'm expecting twins( pregnant for those who didn't know ) So yea ill miss alot of you some of you were really good friends, ones you rarely find. Others.... Not so much. Sorry to the people I didn't get to say bye to in game. No one was on at the time. Sorry to all the people I've been mean to and stuff, I could be a bit of a *** at times ( by that I mean I was a *** most of the time ) I'll miss you guys. That's about all.

That's not really bye I have something else to say. Kind of like my last act I guess. It's to the one person I fell a little anger to. Badboy. First off hi, how are u? We never talk but you know you almost never respond to me when I say hi so whatever.
I probably should of told you this in game but I don't think you were on at the time or something, posting it on forums is a lot funnier though. Anyways on to what I wanted to tell you. You can keep my camo. I know you said you were going to 'give it back'. But let's be honest I think we both know u weren't. I mean I just got tired of you saying "oh I've give back once I'm lvl 145" or "I'll give it back soon". I'm sick to death of the reasons you come up with for not giving it back "oh I still need it to get to wryverns" or " oh im going to buy one for me then u can have back". I'm just tired of you playing with me basically. Not sure if you sold it because you never wear it or that you just want to keep it. Either way I don't care. I just couldn't care less anymore. Enjoy it because I won't be here to nag you about anymore I won't annoy you about when I'm getting it back.
Sorry if this sounds like I'm whining guys, just felt like having a little bit of a rage. I know it's my fault for lending it to him, but I honestly thought that at the time he was a 'good friend'. That or it's karma because I did only buy it for 20k off a lvl 20.

So yea you know what they say, go out with a bang.

P.S. im not sure if badboy reads the forums so if doesn't could someone just tell him for me. Thank you.

P.P.S badboy can also take that 'friend ship' we had and shove it ( you all know where )

Ok bye at last, I'll miss you all etc. ( sorry if I hav grammer mistakes, really awful at grammer)

Re: One last act

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:01 am
by nueee
Noooooooo not my omo wahhhh:....( I'm gonna miss u I hope u don't stay gone it has been a pleasure getting to know you and I hope u nothing but the best and don't worry I will let bb know how much a dirty sack of unfathomable he is :)

Re: One last act

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:45 pm
by SpiritHealer
So bad boy is scammer....and a kser....

Well there's the second person in BadaBing to scam a camo. Grats guys.

Back to OP.
See ya Omo, you were a great gal and I wish you the best of luck to you and your twins :) Stay on the forums even if your not on game. It's what I do :lol:

Re: One last act

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:03 pm
by Teaweasel
Wait a second..... :lol: .....

Yer saying you **lent** something to a friend who needed it, and then that "friend" ended up treating it like it was their's and quite possibily selling it like a douche?

Well isn't that ironic, and exactly what you did to me with that Winterking Dagger I let you borrow as a Clanmate earlier in the January. And then I find out from numerous sources you sold it for a Dragon, rather than give it back to clan. I got baddboy blocked, I got no love for him, but this is hilarious to see you butthurt how you butthurt me & the Celts clan.

Karma is a ***. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

All said and done, take care of yourself outside of game, hope the pregnancy goes great, and glad to see you putting yer priorites in order.

Re: One last act

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:07 pm
by Vikallen
Cya Omo, grats on the babes

Re: One last act

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:26 pm
by D3nted
Cya omo. You were a good friend. Sad to see you go

Re: One last act

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:18 pm
by Legolas15
Aww c'mon now tea happy goodbyes better than bitter ones :). Forgive and forget. Bye omo! Was awesome playin with ya and wish u the best :)

Re: One last act

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 2:01 am
by Smellyunder
Badabing does not tolerate scamming. We have checked with Baddboy. He said omo sold the camo to him for 150k but later found a buyer who offered 350k. And omo wanted it back to sell at 350K. That is what Baddboy told us. Read with interest Tea's revelation that Omo took his winterking item and did not return. Wonder what Omo has to say about that.

Re: One last act

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:00 am
by SpiritHealer
Badabing does not tolerate scamming. We have checked with Baddboy. He said omo sold the camo to him for 150k but later found a buyer who offered 350k. And omo wanted it back to sell at 350K. That is what Baddboy told us. Read with interest Tea's revelation that Omo took his winterking item and did not return. Wonder what Omo has to say about that.
Rather interesting that Tea pointed that out. Still, BaddBoy isint one to tell the truth, just like he lied about
not being Swastik.

Re: One last act

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:11 am
by Omorfos
Um...well hi again. Im gonna do kryptos idea and read the arawn forums sometimes because they are quiet interesting.
Well I saw smellys and teas post and saw that smelly said wonder what omo has to say about that. I can't tell you but I can type what I think.

First off I wanna say sorry to you tea I'm not gonna denie it I did trade your icelord, yes I say icelord because I think it was silver not gold. Anyways yea I was quiet nooby at the time I still am quiet nooby. I think it was because I thought you quit because you were never on, but yea sorry.

On to smellys post. First off thank you smelly nice farewell you typed me. I'm just joking. Anyways so I see now that I didn't tell you guys how badboy got my camo, so I'll just tell you now. It's a little long so yea.
So it was 1 month 2months maybe a month and a half ago I think. Badboy was asking if I would sell my camo and I kept saying no, I mean it's a camo. I think he asked me more than once but after a while he changed the chat to if I would lend it like rent it out. I thought on that and at the time I thought well he's a good friend can be trusted etc. so I said I would rent it to him. We agreed on 150k for 2 or 3 weeks I think it was 2. So yea he had it for 2 weeks and then the day came where he was meant to give it back but when I asked him he started getting a little angry and was like why do I have to give it back and I was saying because your 2 weeks are up.... I think it was at this point that badboy thought I was gonna sell to someone else, but I wouldn't sell my camo. If I wouldn't sell to him I wouldn't sell to anyone else. Even I did sell it, it wouldn't be for 350k personally for me thats not enough. So after that talk/mini fight we had I think one of us logged off and so I talked to him the next day and he was saying something about being a little confused yesterday and that he would give it back to me when he was lvl 145 because at that lvl he wouldn't need it to get to wryverns. So I waited and waited and waited....and before I knew it he was lvl 150 and I was thinking oh dam need to talk to him about camo. So I talked to him again and he said he still needed for wryverns. But I thought that at lvl 150 getting to wryverns would be easy. He also said that he heard they were coming back in Halloween patch or some patch soon and when that came he would buy himself one and then give mine back. So I waited and then asked him again not long after if I could just have it back because I really needed it back to lvl and he was still going on about camos being brought back and to wait 2 days or something so I waited and I didn't get my camo back. That brings us to present point so yea... Sorry I didn't put this at the start I probably should have but yea now you know