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Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:23 am
by Zenerius
I'm sure most of you know that I have recently joined RedDawn, and I've seen many improvements since the time I joined. :D I think this clan is great, and I've never seen a clan grow so fast. The members are kind, the donation/banking system fair, and how this clan is just so amazing.

I wasn't sure this was possible, but this clan is perfect and I hope that I am able to keep working with them. It grew faster than the speed of light, and it feels like such an honor to be in this clan. How it grew I am not sure, but most of it was probably due to the leadership that the generals and guardians provide. I thank Nueee, Nukie, EKG, Deathsbank, and the others that made this clan what it is today.


(No offense Bada and Uskoci, it was a joke)

Re: RedDawn

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:06 am
by Savaged1982
Lol! Good work zen, glad you're enjoying the game.

As for your Uskoci commemt... I'll see you in the arena :-p

Re: RedDawn

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:27 pm
by Deathsbank
Nobody ever thanks db he takes a short break due to army drills and hes forgoten that's what u get for being the anti hero lol (I was the one who inv nuee and stocked our bank roughly 60-80% most of the warden meteoric an frozen quest items are from my private reserve I've handed out 2-3 compleet mete sets including the random gems ingot and goblets required and 9-10 only missing the minds or spaces. Also running the glassboard a full time job in its own lol. Let's not forget the contributions made by klyt and Sargon. I officially adopted the clan color of red even handing out suits and dresses bought from my own gold.I pormis to be more active in leadership once my drill is over for the month. Expect great things in the near future.

Re: RedDawn

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:05 pm
by Pherra
Aww DB, ya know we love ya.

Re: RedDawn

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:03 pm
by Zenerius
Sorry 'bout that DB, I'll add you in the post. :D

Re: RedDawn

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:07 pm
by Deathsbank
Its tru I feel the love even tho i Try my hardest to make as many rivals as I can db has a unique laugh "heheh" it's cocky with a smart *** tone if u were wondering

I prefer to solo as much as posible but I'll group anyone who is same lv as the bos who is standing by it. So hard to ask for help when u solo the solstice drake befor.