I'd like to commend bada bing
#1Today I'd like to say ty to bada not only for achievements even after the whole yada yada that went down but today you guys showed me that you actually are the people you claim to be and are truely tryin to be peaceful and fair guess I should explain earlier this morning me and a bada member killed a dl boss ph it dropped a yellow drop to that person now instead of keeping it for bada I was asked via mail by a gen of bada if i wanted it bc I was there and in the fight my response was i do need it but if someone in bada needs it then go head and keep but instead this general did what he felt was fair and sent the egg to me id like to say i appriciate the gesture more then the egg it shows something about your charc ..... Now while I camped at king today two res members show up we talk a bit king pops no invite even tho I was camping when they rolled up but don't confuse me I'm not mad at that incident but it's the small gestures of kindness that makes a difference so back to the topic ty bada bing for being exactly what you said you are and what you wanted to become in your new direction
Nueee lvl 222 Ranger
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