Damn, you all bring the memories flowing back
@sav Hey sav, I remember your warr now.. Got a few mental pics of him running around now you've mentioned it. Thanks for the info on the old posts showing my god like status .... The wife still needs more convincing, so I think ill print some off for her

, but seriously, I'm sure they would make me smile and feel quite honoured at the same time. Good to hear your doing well too..
@smelly. Hey smell, sorry it didn't work out at bada, but I'm glad your doing well

. Are you still top of the level rankings, If I remember right, you were first to hit 100 weren't you? I think the closest I got to the top was second to reach 60 lol.. Hitting 1xp at a time from about 57 took forever on my warr BRONN, but that was well before I made badabing. Nice hearing off you buddy!
@darren. Hi Darren, I deffo remember you running around when you first started.. Seems you've come a long way, gratz on sticking with it. You've got me a bit worried with the stalking thing tho
@pre. Hey pre, doubt I'll be coming back for the update, I'll have my fingers crossed its a good one for everyone, but I'll try and pop in and say hi at some point and catch up with all the old timers

.I usually get the urge after a few beers... It's strange how old addictions give you the urge after a few of those.
As you guys can tell, I still haven't took the time to figure out how to add quotes lol.
NAME... Bubbles
CLASS... Druid
LVL... 101
CLAN... BadaBing chief
fools fail for want of wisdom