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Buying dragonlord

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:20 am
by unknownish
Hey guys,

Been away for a few days but im back :D

Okay again so i can give you an idea of the prices im willing to pay for each drop are:

Eggs- 50k each
Urns- 100-200k depending on color
Idols- 250-300k depending on color
Horns- 350k+ depending on color
Crowns- 450k+ depending on color

Please remember that im willing to negotiate with every drop you have so dont panic over the prices if you're not keen on them :)

Have a great day arawn!

Re: Buying dragonlord

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:46 am
by unknownish

Still buying all dragonlord drops but gems.

Please get in touch, I'll be active most of the night

Good evening all :D

Re: Buying dragonlord

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:25 pm
by DarKnight
If you're trying to buy DL drops, you're in the wrong server, doing that isn't just frowned upon but if you're in a clan who can manage to even kill DL bosses you will be kicked out. Come to epona, they sell dl drops like idols or potions. Spent $200.00 and already have almost all the drops I need except 1 horn, matter of fact, I haven't even finished getting frags-tablets-rems-crests-or orbs, lmao. Anyway Cheers!

Re: Buying dragonlord

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:59 pm
by nueee
If you're trying to buy DL drops, you're in the wrong server, doing that isn't just frowned upon but if you're in a clan who can manage to even kill DL bosses you will be kicked out. Come to epona, they sell dl drops like idols or potions. Spent $200.00 and already have almost all the drops I need except 1 horn, matter of fact, I haven't even finished getting frags-tablets-rems-crests-or orbs, lmao. Anyway Cheers!
Good advice but i assume this person is part of a clan that would kick this is why in his first post that got locked to unrelated incidents he said he would be doing under secret alts and all that i just think its someone who is establish on the server already and is just trying to make extra gold . And there's still nothing wrong with that :)

Re: Buying dragonlord

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:00 am
by unknownish
Good advice and a very attractive offer but as Nuee stated i'm somewhat established on Arawn and enjoy the players on this server. Plus i've never done a transfer before and have learned not to trust anyone with my goldsss :D

Still buying Arawn, mail me :)

Have a good day gents...