Was not that hard,
And apparantly my last appearance in this game for a longer time, i decided to quit Celtic Heroes.
For several reasons, one of them is the only one iwant to share with you innocent players and also the only one not personal
- the upcoming update-
The body stance got messed up again, game got laggy in beta and the new inventory sucks ass.
To those Belenus Players who hung out with me,
Thanks for your time and the many interesting and funny conversations,
Special thanks to Criminal for the 2014 official invitation to Belenus as server and the same year very kind welcome to Elementals, take it easy crim, and dont take the game to serious
Lisha, you know whaz iwould like to say, sexy lady.
Beast25 my newest virtual friend...go get those items you always wanted and which do not match any other player than you
Keeshya, cheers your clan now is a official engame blabla gele killer clan, you are the best
Mikie, well patron...not much to say just those countless, endless snorri camps of the past have bound us together
Scrim, iwill always remember you as the '' homo" " Bo"
And since i dont want to annoy those players who be like" what the ***'s he talking about" iwill keep it short and just say,
Thanks to all those fellow clan members, generals, chiefs,Glowie( my first real helper) and clanmembers
Enjoy the game, dont join the next server drama you fools, it will end as any drama,,,( forgotten over time), dont take CH to serious, have sex, enjoy life.
In that sense,
I am out
Ps. schattenlied you little kak...at the end a good homie, go watch Deepwater Horizon 30th Sep in your local cinema.